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Private fonde

Vi henviser her til en række private fonde, der ofte støtter billedkunst og anden kultur. Nedenfor er der links til databaser over øvrige fonde.

Billedkunstnerisk tænketank

Kulturrådmanden i Aarhus Kommune nedsatte i 2015 en tænketank, der skulle belyse billedkunstens udfordringer og muligheder i Aarhus. Den 26. februar 2016 præsenterede tænketanken en rapport med 11 anbefalinger, der kunne styrke billedkunsten.


Aarhus Billedkunstcenter tilbyder ikke udstillingsmuligheder, men vi henviser her til en række steder, hvor det er muligt at søge om en udstilling.


Aarhus Billedkunstcenter udlejer ikke atelierer, men formidler her en række muligheder for atelierleje.

AaBKC International

AaBKC International is Aarhus Center for Visual Art’s main platform for international dialogue, networking, and exchange.

AaBKC Residency

AaBKC Residency (2017-19) was a residency program designed to give international artists and curators an opportunity to develop meaningful professional contacts in Aarhus, Denmark.


Traverse - Connecting International Art Communities (2017-19) was a research program that facilitated long-distance communication between visual artists and arts organizations from different countries


TækkerAIR Berlin was a residency in Berlin for visual artists, performers and writers from Aarhus. Supported by Tækker Group and organized by Aarhus Center for Visual Art, Performing Arts Platform and Aarhus Center for Literature, the program operated from 2014-2019.

Web Guide to Artist Residencies

What are artist residencies? Artist residencies are programs that give artists time and space to focus on their artistic work. 

Other residencies at AaBKC

2016: Christian Saucedo