d. 4 oktober 2019 kl. 9.30-10.30 i Maskinrummet (Godsbanen, Indgang 3E, 1. sal)
Aarhus Billedkunstcenter byder velkommen til vores nye kunstner-i-residence, Mona Aghababee (Iran).
Vi inviterer på morgenmad til AaBKC Social, i Maskinrummet, Godsbanen, Indgang 3E, 1. sal, hvor Mona vil introducere sin tværfaglige kunstpraksis, med fokus på hendes research om skulpturens sociale og politiske potentiale. Mona introducerer også sit arbejde som direktør af Va Space, en uafhænging udstillingsplatform i Isfahan, Iran.
Vi giver kaffe, brød og sødt. Denne event forgår på engelsk.
Link til Facebook event.
Læs mere om Mona og AaBKC Residency her.
Friday, October 4, 2019 at 9:30am in Maskinrummet (Godsbanen, Entrance 3E, 1st floor)
Aarhus Billedkunstcenter welcomes our latest artist-in-residence, Mona Aghababaee, over breakfast in ’Maskinrummet’, which is located next to our office in Godsbanen (entrance 3E, 1st floor).
At this AaBKC Social, Mona will outline her interdisciplinary artistic practice, with a focus on her ongoing research into the social and political potential of sculpture. Mona will also introduce her work as co-director of Va Space, an independent art space in Isfahan, Iran.
Coffee, bread and sweets will be provided. This event will be held in English.
Link to Facebook event.
Read more about Mona and AaBKC Residency here.
Denne AaBKC Social er del af Art Weekend Aarhus 2019.
This AaBKC Social is presented as part of Art Weekend Aarhus 2019.
AaBKC Residency er støttet af Det Obelske Familiefond.
AaBKC Residency is supported by Det Obelske Familiefond.