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The Art Workers Event Series

Skrevet 13. mar 2019

25.-28. marts i rum46
Eventserie med kunstnerne Fiona Reilly (IE), Kelly Lloyd (US) og Lise Skou (DK).

I løbet af dagene 25.-28. marts 2019 inviterer kuratorerne Pamela Grombacher og Sasha Rose Richter sammen med rum46 og Aarhus Billedkunstcenter til screenings, talks og diskussioner omkring emner såsom usikre arbejdsvilkår, ulønnet arbejde, kunstnerens rolle i neoliberale-kapitalistiske strukturer og behovet for at kunstnere påtager sig flere jobs for at opnå en form for stabilitet.

(The Art Workers Event Series foregår på engelsk.)


The Art Workers Event Series - Badge launch
March 25. 16.00-18.00

The Event Series kicks off with the launch of the Art Workers badge, a new project by Irish artist Fiona Reilly.

Many artists have to supplement the income they earn through their art with paid employment outside their field. The Art Workers Badge is designed to be worn by artists at their so-called "money jobs."

The launch will open with a talk by Fiona Reilly, followed by a critique of the project by artists Kelly Lloyd and Lise Skou, an audience Q&A, and dinner.
Facebook event

The Art Workers Event Series - JBA TV Special
March 26. 16.00-18.00

The Just Business Agency will interrupt normal programming to present It's Just Television, a television special featuring By Way of Today, CaylaMae, CaW Research Group, Stephanie Graham, Leslie Lawrence, Jesse Malmed, The MorphoTransverse Method, Nice Talk, Postmodern Talking and Lea Devon Sorrentino.
Facebook event

The Art Workers Event Series - AaBKC Social with Kelly Lloyd
March 27. 9.30-10.30

Kelly Lloyd will lead a discussion over breakfast about the research she engaged in during her recent tenure as AaBKC Residency's Fall 2018 artist-in-residence, which examined contemporary artists' livelihoods in Aarhus.
Facebook event

The Art Workers Event Series - Århus Feminist Reading Group
March 28. 16.00-18.00

The final event in The Art Workers Event Series will consider what it means to be an "art worker" through the lens of Julia Bryan-Wilson's text, "Occupational Realism." The discussion will be framed by a talk by Fiona Reilly and moderated by Århus Feminist Reading Group.
Facebook event

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Sponsored by Tækker-fonden

Fiona Reilly
Kelly Lloyd
Lise Skou

Pamela Grombacher and Sasha Rose Richter