Laura Dicken må desværre udskyde sit besøg i Aarhus, så dette arrangement er aflyst.
d. 10. marts 2020 kl. 9.30-10.30 på Galleri Image
I samarbejde med Galleri Image, New Art West Midlands, og GRAIN inviterer vi til morgenmad med den britiske fotograf Laura Dicken.
Laura præsenterer sit projekt You Are Another Me, der kombinerer fotografiske portrætter og mundtlige historier for at udforske kvinders oplevelser af migration. Om projektet skriver hun:
You Are Another Me explores migration through the lens of the female (and female identifying) experience. The project includes the portraits and stories of women from a broad spectrum of socio-economic backgrounds and ethnicities who have, for various reasons, migrated alone. By facilitating the telling of these disparate stories I hope to bring new voices to the migration narrative and to highlight not only the vast differences but to celebrate and illuminate the many similarities. At best I hope this would bring a renewed sense of empathy, compassion and sense of shared human experience to the modern migratory phenomena.
Laura fortsætter projektet i Aarhus med et kort research residency, d. 8-15 marts 2020, organiseret i samarbejde med Galleri Image, New Art West Midlands, og GRAIN.
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