9. maj 2019 kl. 9.30-10.30 hos Aarhus Billedkunstcenter (mødelokale 'Maskinrummet', Godsbanen, hovedbygning, 1. sal, Indgang 3E)
Vores nye kurator-i-residence, Ceci Moss, starter sit residency med denne AaBKC Social hos Aarhus Billedkunstcenter. Ceci introducerer sit arbejde som grundlægger af og direktør for Gas i Los Angeles. I kan læse mere om Cecis arbejde nedenfor.
Spis morgenmad med os og byd "Velkommen" til Ceci. Denne AaBKC Social forgår på engelsk.
Om Ceci Moss
Ceci Moss is a curator, writer and educator based in Los Angeles. She is the founder and director of Gas, a mobile, autonomous, experimental and networked platform for contemporary art located in a truck gallery and online. She has a MA and PhD in Comparative Literature from New York University, and a BA in History and Sociology from U.C. Berkeley. Her academic research addresses contemporary internet-based art practice and network culture. Her first book Expanded Internet Art: Twenty-First Century Artistic Practice and the Informational Milieu is forthcoming on the Bloomsbury series International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics. She is currently a Visiting Lecturer at Scripps College and she has held teaching positions at the San Francisco Art Institute and New York University. Her writing has appeared in Rhizome, Art in America, ArtAsiaPacific, Artforum, The Wire, CURA, New Media & Society and various art catalogs.
Om AaBKC Residency
AaBKC Residency aims to create international work opportunities for Aarhus artists by facilitating networking as a mode of artistic and curatorial research. During each 8-week residency period, visiting residents are encouraged to meet local artists and arts professionals, visit artist studios and exhibition spaces, and participate in networking meetings and cultural events. The program is designed to give international artists and curators an opportunity to develop meaningful professional contacts in Aarhus, Denmark.
AaBKC Residency is supported by Det Obelske Familiefond and Tækker Group/Tækker Fonden.